The front foot fall forward as if walking, then the body is turned side on so to give opponents less of a target area to strike at. This also gives the student more manoeuvrability in combat for both defence and counter attack. We adapt a similar guard to that found in western Boxing with the hands up to protect the head leaving the elbows to protect the body. There is no hand on hip like in traditional karate as we teach our students to be prepared to take a hit at any time from any angle, so the hands need to be in a position to deal with any type of strike imaginable.
The rigid punching and kicking of the more traditional styles is not taught, in fact the student is trained to relax so the body can move more freely. All our punches, kicks and blocks are pulled short never fully extending the arm or leg. Now many inexperienced martial artists often comment that this will affects the power and effectiveness of the techniques. But the real power comes from correct timing and not brute strength. The reason why we teach our students to pull their techniques short is to prevent them from hyper extending their joints so they do not damaging the cartilage and muscles. Our joints have to last us a lifetime, as we do not get a second set so we have to look after our bodies the best we can.
All our instructors take an active roll during lessons and do not stand on the sidelines barking orders at students. When at all possible our instructors will train alongside the students in the class but at time this is just not practical.
Some clubs and associations have a time limit before you can start sparing, this is not so with us as if we are sparing on your first lesson then thats what you will probably be doing (we do not force students into sparing). For safety reasons beginners will be partnered up with advanced students and instructors only, as they should be able to help you get to grips with sparring without anyone getting injured. Once a student has proven to have some rudimentary fighting skills they will then be allowed to join in sparring with the other students.
We make great use of training aids such as focus mitts, striking shields and kicking targets to help improve speed, timing and distance. These 3 factor help develop power control over the techniques been preformed.
As with any physical endeavour you body is your main tool so we have to prepare the body before we start to avoid unnecessary injuries. The warm up comprises of various exercises that are done to raise your body temperature and to increase the adrenalin levels in your body, this will enable the student too stretch safely. The warm up also incorporates fitness and stamina training for the student as they prepare their muscles and tendons for stretching.
Stretching is probably the most important part of the class because with out a sufficient warm up and stretching routine the chances of injury are very high. The class will go threw a variety of stretching exercises until the instructor is satisfied that the class is ready to proceed safely. Not all the stretching is dynamic in nature as we try to incorporate stretching exercises that help promote health and balance.
A class will then to focuses on developing and practicing martial arts techniques. This may take many forms but we try and very each lesson as much as possible to stop students (and instructors) getting bored.
Why not take advantage of our first free lesson policy and have a go to see if this is the style for you!!!
Training Schedule
Anston Park Infant School
Park Avenue
North Anston
Class starts at 6:30pm to 8:00pm